The future of the European city is the central theme for Sergei Tchoban. It is evident that the language of contemporary architecture and the size of urban gestures contrast with the structure of the historical or traditional European city. Is it possible to harmonize and regulate these two positions? Is there a quality in the spontaneity or even in the chaos that can arise?
The exhibition ‚Une Ville Dessinée / A Drawn City‘ reflects the high-contrast interplay between historical and modern architecture, as it is so strongly traced in modern cities. It brings together visualized and constructed ideas on paper, presents a selection of projects and architectural fantasies that explore the ways of contrast between contemporary and historical, iconic and background architecture and show which role new layers play in creating the contemporary European city.
‘Urban Layers’ and ‘The Contrasting Harmony of the City’ are the main topics of the exhibition. Tchoban’s works show visions of today’s architecture in forms and materials. His examination of these themes can be found in his drawings and architectural projects. Depending on the role a building plays in the city, it is given a specific setting – unobtrusive with haptic details or significant with contrasting forms and surfaces.
Curator: Valeria Kashirina
Co-curator: Esenija Bannan
Curatorial Team: Lev Chestakov, Carsten Schneider and Maxim Schulz
Photos: ©Bannan Productions